
Walter Franck
2 min readJun 23, 2021

As developers we must confront the painful truth that many people view apps. Different solutions either one they have used or one they is very important to them. Some time it have things that they identify with. When you could think that hypocrisy as meaningless.

The problem is that apps have only recently emerged as anything like a serious medium of expression. Because we are developers, artistic expressions is not our goal; out goal is to create powerful experiences. It is possible to create apps that do not have themes that identify our solution or that have very weak theme. However, if our solution have unifying, resonant themes, the experiences we create will be much, much stronger.

But, what is a theme? The theme is what your solution is about. It is the idea that ties your entire app together, the idea that all the element must support. The goal of the design is to deliver an essential experience to the user.

Figure out what your theme is and user every means possible to reinforce that theme.

The best themes are ones that resonate with users. In a sense, it resonates with your desire to use that one app.

A designer might not even consciously know they have chosen a particular theme or be able to express it verbally, they just have a certain feeling about how the experience should be. But it is worth the trouble to explore your feelings about these things to the point that you can express your theme concretely.

Resonant themes elevate your work from craft to art. But when you find a deep resonant theme, it makes sense to use it for all it is worth.

What is it about my favorite app fells powerful and special?

When I describe my app to people, what ideas get them really exited?

What would this app be like?

Resonant themes can add great power to your work, but even if your app doesn’t have one, it will still be strengthened by a unifying theme to focus the experience.

Theme is about focusing your work toward something that holds meaning for your users.



Walter Franck

android developer. I appreciate good taste for design and things well done.Make easy is hard. I am very critical but constructive, otherwise it would be useles.